Friday, September 25, 2009

culture night...

this is culture night here in dublin...

culture night is a night where over 120 organisations will open their doors to the public until late with an impressive programme of indoor and outdoor events taking place all over the city...

culture night gives people the chance to participate and experience live performances, workshops, tours, talks and a whole range of creative activities all for free...

i'm off with joanna and some friends for a wee bit of culture...

starting on the liffey we are going to start with a tour of james joyce's house of the dead - we're invited to experience the atmosphere and song of the most inmportant dining room in world literature...

from here we will then take a walk to christ church and take a tour of the cathedral and the crypt where we've learned there will be musical contributions from the cathedrals music department throughout the evening...

then after here time pending we hope to take in the bernard shaw house and the chester beatty library...i'll be back with the lowdown on some of my visits throughout the weekend...
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