i can hardly believe it folks...10 more sleeps until herself and myself say our 'i do's...
i'll forever more put the trash out, kill spiders and whispers sweet nothings in return for the hot dinners, a few shirts ironed for me and a few sweet nothings back in my own ear...
thanks a million for all your support and kind words to date following our story, our engagement, our visa approval, and the job quest...
i'm taking a 2.5 week break from custardbydesign...my own folks arrive in arkansas on friday, followed by my brother and sister on sunday...some friends have already set out on their trips taking in the sights of mexico, la, vegas, san diego, memphis, nashville, boston, new york before they make their way to northwest arkansas in time for july 24th...
so between the airport pick ups and the last minute details we're trying to finalise, i reckon today's as good a day as any to sign out for the few weeks...
so wish us good health and good fortune as we set out on our new life together as mr and mrs custardbydesign...
i'll leave you with a nice irish wedding blessing i once heard at a wedding in armagh...
"may the roof on the house never fall in,
and may the couple in the house never fall out"
is mise le meas...custardbydesign...
Good health & good fortune, Mr and Mrs (to be) C by D! May the ironing and spiders not overwhelm you.
Hey Richy, the very best of good health and happiness to yourself and herself - I am sending my personal envoy to make sure you accomplish the deed in style!
this is pure happiness.
i wish you both all the happiness.
Congrats to you both! And have a ball at the wedding!
Rachel Kay
many years of happiness both in america and remeber ireland especially Armagh where some day you will return
mr richy presley . can i respectfully give you an alternative irish blessing for a happy marraige
" iron your own bloody shirts "
hope you two , mr and mrs presley have a wonderful wedding and a long and very happy life together ....
I hope you both have a fantastic wedding day. Enjoy your break!
Best wishes for the big day and enjoy your well deserved time off. Your wife is a very lucky lady - inheriting such an unusual surname. Her first name isn't Rhubarb is it? No? Just as well then!
Congratulations....wishing you happiness and many babies :) You are a beautiful couple.
Best wishes for a lifetime full of happiness!
Congratulations you guys! Can't wait to see pictures of your big day!
Congrats! Fun to read your blog, I'll be a follower!
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