Friday, August 20, 2010

canned light...

just like it says on the tin....or not...

what a great idea from fuse interiors...canned light...

this week fuse interiors launched it's 'can lights' as part of their fuse finds collection...this is the first of fuse finds upcoming range of recycled/upcycled home products...

the 'can lights' developed by in-house designer willem heeffer, they are made from reecycled heinz baked beans and campbell's soup cans...with the help of dublin's restaurants and cafes who collect the tin cans, these everyday waste objects are turned into popsical artsy functional pendant lights...

"the lights celebrate the cross over between popular culture and sustainability and look great in sets of three..."

“by taking mass produced everyday waste objects and up-cycling them, the lights represent how inventive recycling can result in new design..."

find out more about fuse interiors 'can lights' here and on their facebook page...


Lorna said...

Great aren't they, would like to see them 'in the flesh' - think I would have to opt for the sticky toffee pudding cans!
Meant to ask if you were happy with the Munster Interiors Blog watch article after all? I know it arrived to you very close to your wedding in the end,

custardbydesign said...

yeah i'd like to see them for myself...i'm wondering how the label is applied to the can...

there's a question for miss fuse herself...

i was indeed very parents were with me when i read the email so they too were delighted to see me featured...

and now i see this post i'm reminding myself to get a copy of the magazine and create me a blogpost too...

thanks lorna...

custardbydesign said...
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