Sunday, November 21, 2010


here's me caught up in a world of nonblogging bloggerness...

but then i saw this little milk jug thats actually a cow and then i had my coffee and all seemed right with the world and i returned to blogville fully charged...


All things nice... said...

From a glance that looked like a guinness

All things nice...

custardbydesign said...

at a glance...

it's actually my favourite coffee mug...its a paul maloney and he actually gave it to me himself when i worked for meadows & byrne...

Elaine Prunty said...

ahhhh nice to see you again, thanks for your visit and kind words, i too had a jug just like that but it proved very impracticle ....impossible to clean but true...lovely to look at

All things nice... said...

We all have a favourite mug but yours is pretty cool alright.

All things nice...

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