Tuesday, March 10, 2009

when vocation calls...

2 doors up from Christy Birds, there is a door funnily enough...a door which as far as i can gather, is open on an irregular basis...

behind this door, and down a flight of stairs lies a holy host of religious antiques, owned by Stephen Bird, a brother of Christy, and both grandsons of the orginal Christy Bird responsible for setting up his shop in the 60's....

starting off on a whim in Australia in the 80's trying to source stained glass from Irish churches, it was Stephens curiosity that has enabled him to fashion a career out of all manner of churchware...

for 15 years now, he has been salvaging and selling, repairing and restoring items of churchware, from handpainted stations of the cross and candelabras to stained glass panels and ciboria...

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