Tuesday, December 8, 2009

radiant incandescance...

one of the great things about blogging for me is making contacts with craftsmen, artisans, designers, architects and other bloggers...yesterday i forged a funny rapore with elaine prunty, fellow blogger and glass artist based in dublin...

elaine is contemporary and innovative, creating stunning artwork for interior and exterior spaces...she uses the traditional skills of mosaic and stained glass artists in a very imaginative way...

elaine likes to work mainly with glass as if offers a luminosity, radiance and durability unequaled by other mediums...in my own words, her irredescent work and her mirrors rock...


miss mary said...

send this to john tully who does local in cavan

Elaine Prunty said...

Thanks for the mention richy, and now i'm intrigued by miss mary,
who's john tully and what does it mean that he 'does local in cavan' ????.
Very funny yesterday alright, thanks to mise, and well done brave you!

custardbydesign said...

miss mary - i'm on it...

jaboopee - john tully is a fine craftsman in cavan who specialises in mosaic creations...his work has included wall murals, plaques for houses, schools and entry ways...

as far as i'm aware he doesnt have a web presence as yet...

custardbydesign said...

jaboopee - i've also added your blogg to my blogroll...


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