Tuesday, January 19, 2010

change of heart...

i had a few posts lined up for yesterday and today...however they were both all about me and whats new with me...so i'll save that for another time...

i came across this today via the coolhunting website...emergency housing shipping containers...and found it much more appropriate...

'seed' is a company that turns unused shipping containers into starter homes for emergency situations...when recent tragedy hit haiti this project was already underway, in fact it has been in development since hurricane katrina...

strong enough to stand up to hurricanes and earthquakes, the containers make for instant robust homes and guarantee a small degree of safety from more activity...

on a smaller scale...how many containers are sitting in places like galway docks or dublin port that could be easily, quickly and readily modified in this way to counteract some of the flooding issues areas of ireland saw in late november of last year...???

check out the link below for the full article from coolhunting and a link to the 'seed' website...


i like local* said...

Wow, awesome link - thanks for sourcing that one!

Yes, the Conran Shop in Arnotts is new - they've done an overhaul in there in the last few months, and that's one of the new additions. It's Yum.

Savile Joe said...

A seriously incredible idea, i'm going to keep an eye out for this in the future cos i think it has real potential to help a lot of people who have suffered a tragedy like katrina or in haiti. Nice work.

Savile Joe

custardbydesign said...

i like local...wow i'm excited to learn there is a conran shop in arnotts now...thats pretty cool...i can imagine the 'yum' factor indeed...

savile joe...a new visitor to custardbydesign...thanks for dropping by...i hope your style savvy lines feature here again...

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