Thursday, October 15, 2009


i had been recently working on a moodboard for a club in dublin that was going to be relaunched with a new name - 'lust'...

i came across these wallpapers which were all very tongue in cheek...what do you think...???


Fee - Makeup Savvy said...

Hmm Hmmm maybe the first.
I'm not really feeling them... maybe its just because of the repetitive images!
The lack of pattern/design is abit odd to see in wallpaper as well.

I'm sure in a club enviroment all three could work though!

Fee x

custardbydesign said...

hhmmmm...interesting comments Fee, and as always thanks for checking in...

i dunno - i guess in terms of a commercial interior such as a nightclub its the impact of the visual with respect to the name/theme that drew me to this selection - and which the client seemed to like...

i might post the moodboards created for this project and give you more of an idea for the space...

but i do agree the wallpaper is more of a graphical design rather than a wallpaper design...

works for me...

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