Wednesday, December 30, 2009



i have an aunt who used to call our house everyday to talk to her sister {my mother}...and by well, she meant how are you...{whats the craic/whats new/any schlaps today/are ya well/is your mother home/where's your da/did you hear from such and such}...all sorts of questions in the vain hope my mother might drive the car into the back street and i'd say ''here's mummy now''...

so in the words of herself... i've a wee bit of updating to do regarding blogs and websites etc but other than what...whaddya think...???''well...???''...


Elaine Prunty said...

well, it's looking good,it;s amazing how much work and detail goes into creating our little spaces in your previous post i think just keep doing what your doing...

custardbydesign said...

thanks jaboopee...glad you like wouldnt have a wee word with 'miss mary' for me would you...

Lorna said...

Thanks a mill for including me in your blog roll, happy new year to you too and I look forward to reading your blog :)

custardbydesign said...

Lorna - you're very welcome - thanks for stopping by and have a happy new year

kanishk said...

detail goes into creating our little spaces in your previous post i think just keep doing what your doing...

american kobe beef

custardbydesign said...

thanks for your comment kanish...your love for american kobe beef has me baffled...

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