Monday, April 20, 2009

alcoholic architecture...

a good friend down under alerted me to this quirky architectural concept...

i'm guessing someone thought of this after a glass and a half of red...

introducing the UK's first walk-in cocktail...

"Alcoholic Architecture arrives in London with Bompas & Parr’s walk in cloud of breathable cocktail. Step inside a cocktail with gin and tonic mist, giant limes, and massive straws."

click here for further details...


YHBHS said...

what is this? im so intrigued????

i love the art work, and the webiste is incredible. i cant wait to take my time to look over it in more detail.

have you been to any of these events?

custardbydesign said...

no, unfortunatley i can't manage the time right now to make a trip to London - but i have let a few of my friends in London know about it so hopefully i can get some feedback if they make any of the events...

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