Thursday, March 25, 2010

you've got to phunk it up...

phunk isn't really a word...but funk is...and i like to funk up funk by saying phunky...

speaking of phunky...this interior is unique and is a bar in venice called ''la biennale"...the person behind the design is an artist, tobias rehberger...

not only is the design unique and to is the powerful statement that it makes...

La Biennale

Drunk Bar in Venice Italy

Tobias Rehberger Design

Funky Interior Design

Venice Italy Bar

"With black and white stripes, mirrors and all kinds of psychedelic patterns that completely cover the floor, walls, utility shafts and furnishings, he disturbs the observer's perception to such an extent that the latter feels deprived of all stable orientation. Anyone who spends time here is virtually dazzled by all these resplendent patterns, a game with illusions that cannot be put together synthetically to create one single perception but keep on breaking up into individual pieces. You entered as a common hungry or thirsty person and now you feel drunk on top of everything else, and aside from this you hunger and thirst for calmness and contained order. However, it is not you but the space surrounding you that is drunk; everything you were familiar with seems shattered, the brain's synapses overloaded. "Lighter than a cork, I danced on the waves" reads Arthur Rimbaud's poem "Le Bateau ivre". And that is exactly how you will feel if you spend too much time in Rehberger's cafeteria..."

...via stylepark


Elaine Prunty said...

for funk funks funking sake thats funky ...

custardbydesign said...

a whole lot of phunky...

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